Pool Games
- Rub-a-dub-dub - try not to fall off an inflated pool toy
- Bun Boy - it's the sport of kings
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Object: to move an inflatable pool toy, underwater, using only your feet.
Play: Get
an inflatable pool toy of some sort such as a raft or life ring. It has
be large enough
few people
to hold
with their
Once the object is being held underwater, the players chant: "rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub" and try to move the object from one side of the pool to the other without it coming to the surface.
As they are moving, players should continually call out "Stable" to indicate that they are fully in control of the object.
If they start losing control, they should call out "Stable!" with
a frantic overtone.
If the object reaches the surface of the pool, the "Stable!" calls should become even more convincing.
Object: to throw and catch things while jumping into a swimming pool.
- An American football (known as the mustard)
- Two racquetballs
- Pool with a diving board
1. Player one starts off on the end of the diving board holding the two racquetballs, one in each hand.
2. Player two starts off about 15 feet away ahead of and to the right of the player on the diving board. This player is "Right field".
3. Player three starts off about 20 feet away ahead of and to the left of the player on the diving board.
This player is "Left field" and while they are in charge of throwing the mustard to the diver, are of no particular importance.
4. The player on the board then asks "Right field, are you ready?" After a response, the player should mumble something to Left field and not really care about the answer.
The player on the board then jumps off the diving board as the following
three things happen:
- The diver throws the two racquetballs, one to right field and one to left field.
- Left field throws the mustard to the diving player.
- The diving board player enters the pool feet first.
(a) If both racquetballs are caught (one by left field, one by right field)
and the diving player gets the mustard, it's a Bun Boy and you gain a point.
(b) If the racquetballs are caught but the mustard isn't, it's a "Bun".
No loss of prestige or honor is caused by this. As they always say: "Better
a bun than none!"
(c) If either or both racquetballs are missed, then the team is disgraced and should hang their heads low in shame. If the Mustard was caught, the diving player is probably very excited about it - the other players should remind him or her that "nobody cares about the Mustard."
If there are more than three players, rotate someone in each time the
players get neither a bun boy nor a bun. The person rotated out should
be arbitrarily chosen.
If you are in a singing mood, watch the old Goldie Hawn movie
Wildcats and sing its theme song, replace "it's the sport of kings..." with
"the cafe of kings, better than burger kings .... Bun Boy!".
Note: "Bun Boy" is (or was) a restaurant in Baker California, on I-15 between Southern California and Las Vegas.