Shadowman's Twisted Treasury
Here are some helpful tools for your D20 based campaign.
Below are our suggestions for giving your players hints. Each character should get only one roll against the indicated
DC. Our suggestions are for D & D 3.0 (the original system referenced in the book), D & D 5E and Pathfinder 2'nd edition.
#1 - Pazzli
(pg 9)
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Local - DC15
D&D 5E
History - DC15
Path 2E
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Religion - DC18
D&D 5E
Religion - DC18
D&D 3E
Search - DC28
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC25
#2 - Way Too Easy
(pg 10)
D&D 3E
Search - DC22
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC20
D&D 3E
Concentration - DC15
D&D 5E
History - DC 18
D&D 3E
Tumble - DC25
D&D 5E
WIS - DC18
#3 - Wise Guys
(pg 12)
D&D 3E
Search - DC24
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC24
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Architecture & Engineering - DC22
D&D 5E
History - DC 22
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Arcana - DC25
D&D 5E
Arcana - DC25
#4 - Off Key
(pg 14)
A character of the Bard class gets a +5 advantage on any of these rolls.
D&D 3E
Read Lips - DC18
D&D 5E
Insight - DC18
D&D 3E
Decipher Script - DC22
D&D 5E
Arcana - DC22
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Local - DC20
D&D 5E
Performance - DC20
#5 - Good Grammar
(pg 16)
D&D 3E
Search - DC18
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC18
D&D 3E
Spot - DC25
D&D 5E
Arcana - DC25
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Architecture & Engineering, DC25
D&D 5E
History - DC25
#6 - When it Must
(pg 19)
D&D 3E
Search - DC22
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC22
D&D 3E
Use Rope- DC15
D&D 5E
Acrobatics - DC15
D&D 3E
Wilderness Lore or Knowledge/Nature, DC17
D&D 5E
Survival - DC17
#7 - Ogres & Ogres & Ogres, Oh My!
(pg 20)
D&D 3E
Search - DC22
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC22
D&D 3E
Open Lock - DC23 or Knock spell
D&D 5E
Nature - DC23
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Local or Knowledge/Ogres - DC17
D&D 5E
History - DC17
#8 - Clever Dwarf
(pg 22)
A Dwarven character is +5 on all rolls.
D&D 3E
Listen - DC19
D&D 5E
Perception - DC19
D&D 3E
Search - DC22
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC22
D&D 3E
D&D 5E
History - DC18
#9 - Door Ways
(pg 23)
D&D 3E
Speak Language - DC23
D&D 5E
History - DC23
D&D 3E
Open Lock - DC22
D&D 5E
Arcana - DC22
D&D 3E
Search - DC24
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC24
#10 - Longing to Belong
(pg 24)
D&D 3E
Spot - DC24
D&D 5E
Perception - DC24
D&D 5E
WIS - DC22
D&D 3E
Concentration - DC22
D&D 3E
Disable Device - DC23
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC20
#11 - Something Strange
(pg 27)
A Bard, Ranger or Rogue is +2 on all these rolls.
D&D 3E
Move Silently - DC18
D&D 5E
Stealth - DC18
D&D 3E
Handle Animal - DC22
D&D 5E
Animal Handling - DC22
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Nature or Wilderness Lore- DC24
D&D 5E
Nature - DC24
#12 - Can’t Get Theyah from Heyah
(pg 28)
There is no riddle room for this puzzle.
#13 - Grecian Earnings
(pg 30)
D&D 3E
Speak Languages (Any) - DC19
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC19
D&D 3E
Spot - DC22
D&D 5E
Perception - DC22
D&D 3E
Profession/Gambler - DC24
D&D 5E
Performance - DC24
#14 - Magic Scroll
(pg 32)
D&D 3E
Disable Device - DC22
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC22
D&D 3E
Listen - DC19
D&D 5E
Perception - DC19
D&D 3E
Open Lock - DC24
D&D 5E
DEX - DC24
#15 - Witch Lid?
(pg 34)
D&D 3E
Spellcraft - DC23
D&D 5E
Arcana - DC23
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Arcana - DC25
D&D 5E
Perception - DC25
D&D 3E
Alchemy - DC18
D&D 5E
History - DC18
#16 - Road Block
(pg 37)
D&D 3E
Wilderness Lore - DC24
D&D 5E
Survival - DC24
D&D 3E
Spot - DC23
D&D 5E
Perception - DC23
D&D 3E
Handle Animal - DC25
D&D 5E
Animal Handling - DC25
#17 - Out of Order
(pg 38)
D&D 3E
Intuit Direction - DC22
D&D 5E
Survival - DC22
D&D 3E
Spot - DC24
D&D 5E
Perception - DC24
D&D 3E
Use rope - DC25
D&D 5E
Acrobatics - DC25
#18 - Hidden Puzzle
(pg 39)
There is no riddle room for this puzzle.
#19 - Chest Pains - Jewelery Box
(pg 40)
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC15
D&D 3E
Disable Device - DC 15
D&D 5E
Perception - DC18
D&D 3E
Search - DC 18
D&D 5E
WIS - DC14
D&D 3E
Concentration - DC 14
#19 - Chest Pains - Dresser from Hell
(pg 41)
D&D 3E
Disable Device - DC19
D&D 5E
Perception - DC19
D&D 3E
Search - DC18
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC18
D&D 3E
Concentration - DC24
D&D 5E
WIS - DC24
#20 - Bottoms Up!
(pg 42)
D&D 3E
Concentration - DC18
D&D 5E
WIS - DC18
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Arcana - DC22
D&D 5E
Arcana - DC22
D&D 3E
Alchemy - DC19
D&D 5E
Perception - DC1o
#21 - Hangman
(pg 45)
There is no riddle room for this puzzle.
#22 - Caves of Despair
(pg 46)
Darkvision or Dwarven racial class confers a +3 on these rolls.
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Geography - DC17
D&D 5E
Nature - DC17
D&D 3E
Gather Info - DC24
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC24
D&D 3E
Intuit Direction - DC19
D&D 5E
Survival - DC19
#23 - A Barrel of Monkeys
(pg 48)
D&D 3E
Open Locks - DC20
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC20
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Local - DC24
D&D 5E
Perception - DC24
D&D 3E
Animal Empathy - DC20
D&D 5E
Animal Handling - DC20
#24 - Bingo!
(pg 50)
D&D 3E
Decipher script - DC24
D&D 5E
Arcana - DC24
D&D 3E
Search - DC20
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC20
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Local - DC23
D&D 5E
History - DC23
#25 - Inescapable Chamber of Doom
(pg 51)
D&D 3E
Concentration - DC18
D&D 5E
WIS - DC18
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Architecture & Engineering - DC24
D&D 5E
Perception - DC18
D&D 3E
Disable Device - DC24
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC24
#26 - Inefficient
(pg 55)
A character with an ocean-going or fishing background is +3 on these rolls.
D&D 3E
Animal Empathy - DC16
D&D 5E
Animal Handling - DC16
D&D 3E
Spot - DC24
D&D 5E
Perception - DC24
D&D 3E
Speak Language - DC26
D&D 5E
INT - DC22
#27 - Monster Hall
(pg 56)
D&D 3E
Wilderness Lore - DC25
D&D 5E
Survival - DC25
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Nature - DC22
D&D 5E
Nature - DC22
D&D 3E
Handle Animal - DC25
D&D 5E
Animal Handling - DC25
#28 - It’s not that easy
(pg 58)
D&D 3E
Spot - DC20
D&D 5E
Perception - DC20
D&D 3E
Search - DC24
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC24
D&D 3E
Profession/Gambling - DC18
D&D 5E
Performance - DC18
#29 - Lair of the Nommag
(pg 60)
D&D 3E
Concentration - DC22
D&D 5E
Perception - DC22
D&D 3E
Sense motive - DC20
D&D 5E
Insight - DC20
D&D 3E
Profession/Gambling - DC16
D&D 5E
Performance - DC16
#30 - Monastery - Signpost
(pg 62)
D&D 3E
Speak language - DC22
D&D 5E
WIS - DC22
D&D 3E
Search - DC18
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC18
D&D 3E
Spot - DC23
D&D 5E
Perception - DC23
#30 - Monastery - Fork in the Forest
(pg 64)
D&D 3E
Wilderness Lore - DC18
D&D 5E
Nature - DC18
D&D 3E
Search - DC20
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC20
D&D 3E
Concentration - DC24
D&D 5E
Perception - DC20
#30 - Monastery - Knock Knock
(pg 65)
D&D 3E
Disable Device - DC24
D&D 5E
Perception - DC20
D&D 3E
Search - DC23
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC23
D&D 3E
Open Lock - DC22
D&D 5E
INT - DC22
#30 - Monastery - Sword lacking hilt & guard
(pg 66)
D&D 3E
Concentration - DC18
D&D 5E
Perception - DC18
D&D 3E
Knowledge/Architecture & Engineering - DC23
D&D 5E
History - DC23
D&D 3E
Search - DC24
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC24
#30 - Monastery - Xdmbplf
(pg 67)
D&D 3E
Spot - DC20,
D&D 5E
Perception - DC20
D&D 3E
Speak Language - DC23
D&D 5E
Investigation - DC23
D&D 3E
Balance - DC24
D&D 5E
Acrobatics - DC24