This Week's Riddle
Never sleeping the giant stands
All of stone is his attire
On his shoulders he wears a watch
Men and horses he consumes entire
When danger comes and fighting looms
To him flock the old and young
And when it's time for them to leave
The giant will stick out his tongue
When sticks and stones against him fly
His burning tears can make men die
(answer is one word)
Your guess:
Take my guess exactly as typed
I'm not sure of the spelling
There have been 89 right answers, 27 wrong answers and 23 people have given up.
This riddle written by MDM
Hints will help you notice the riddle's key words or phrases.
Hint #1: What are different meanings of "watch"?
Hint #2: What sort of "burning tears" could make "men die"?
Hint #3: Think of very large things made of stone
Check Hint: CVCCCV
Big Hint: His tongue is the drawbridge
You should use the Big Hint ONLY if you are really stuck. This hint may contain information that is beyond what is already in the riddle.
The Check Hint lets you check your answer without actually seeing the answer. A Check Hint is the answer with each vowel (AEIOU) replaced by a 'V' and each consonant (including Y) replaced by a 'C'.
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